

TC-Zone Engineering Ltd. was established with industrial and engineeringresearch and development ambitions, built on the foundations of the Technology Centre created in 2010. TC-Zone is a service and research provider with a strong human and technical background, as well as an extensive network of professional collaborations. Thanks to its unique organizational structure and operational model, the company offers a combination of flexibility, professional performance, and scientific values, while maintaining a strong industrial presence throughout the development process. TC-Zone also plays an active role in strengthening and developing the human foundation of technical knowledge by promoting knowledge transfer among stakeholders.

Our mission

The mission of TC-Zone Engineering Ltd. is to contribute to the growth and competitiveness of industrial, particularly machinery, automotive, and electronics manufacturing companies, through the provision of complex technical research and development services.


  1. Technology Engineering
  • Manufacturing technologies
  • Material technologies
  1. Process Engineering
    • Engineering support for processes
    • Testing technologies
  1. Products
    • Product design
    • Product testing and validation
  1. Vehicle
    • Vehicle testing and development

Our values

  • Development approach based on industrial needs, with material output
  • Maximizing technical and research value for the client
  • Trust-based collaborations